Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Recycled Tile Magnets

A while ago, I was crazy about making magnets out of recycled ceramic tiles. I took a break, and have recently been bitten by the magnet-making bug again! These are much different from my old bird ones......but don't worry - birds will be sneaking into these new magnets too! Here's a little sampling of the newbie magnets:
This weekend coming up I'll be in another Spring Craft fair: Got Craft? You're always sure to find something unique and awesome there! I've been cutting and glueing and packaging like a mad woman!


  1. Jen, I would love to have one of the choose happy magnets. I love it. Can you let me know if that is possible, the cost and I can send through paypal to you. Just send me the deets!

  2. Very cool magnets!! I'm not a wine drinker but sometimes a "box" of wine sounds perfect...... hee hee



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